grant writing workshop

Does Your Organization Need To Learn How To Write Winning Grant Proposals?

Does Your Organization Need To Learn How To Write Winning Grant Proposals?

Our Customized Single-Day and Two-Day Virtual Grant Writing Workshops are specifically tailored to show your staff, board and/or volunteers how to develop winning grant proposals to fund your organization’s distinct program, operating and capital needs.

Does Your Organization Need To Learn How To Write Winning Grant Proposals?

Our Customized Single-Day and Two-Day Virtual Grant Writing Workshops are specifically tailored to show your staff, board and/or volunteers how to develop winning grant proposals to fund your organization’s distinct program, operating and capital needs.

Grant Writing Tip #3: Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket When Choosing A Funding Source

Grant Writing Tip #3:  Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket When Choosing A Funding Source

Always have a contingency plan when submitting grant proposals to major funders. Create a list of additional foundations, corporations, and other institutional funding prospect in case your application is declined or not entirely approved.

Grant Writing Tip #2: Having A Gift Acceptance Policy Is Never A Bad Idea

Grant Writing Tip #2: Having A Gift Acceptance Policy Is Never A Bad Idea

Sometimes it is necessary to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Grant Writing Tip #1: Beware of “Values of Convenience”

Grant Writing Tip #1: Beware of “Values of Convenience”

The fewer “zeroes” the better when fine-tuning the dollar amounts of our expenditure items in our project budgets when developing grant proposals.