This is Canada Day.  Ordinarily today would be replete with RCMP Musical Rides on Parliament Hill, Snowbird flyovers, fireworks, flag-waving backyard barbecue selfies and other displays of patriotism celebrating our nation’s founding from St. John’s to Victoria.  Instead today is a day of intense pain and anguish from the atrocities that were uncovered in recent weeks.  At the time of this posting the graves of more than 1,500 Indigenous Children have been discovered on the sites of Indian Residential Schools throughout the country.

The unspeakable horrors that these Children experienced are impossible to fathom and the fact that such evil wrongdoings remained a secret for this long is monumentally appalling.  Thus it goes without saying this Canada Day is not a joyous occasion.  It is a moment to mourn and attempt to come to grips with the notion that such insidious crimes were committed against young innocent souls.

Yet it is not enough to simply grieve and reflect.  If we want to demonstrate the values we espouse as Canadians it is vital that we also take action to help give a voice to these Children who were never given a chance to speak for themselves.  I urge you to support organizations who are helping these Children who were taken from families, forbidden from speaking their language, denied their culture and robbed of their futures to finally be heard.

The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Foundation and the Legacy of Hope Foundation are two such organizations that I strongly encourage you to consider supporting.  You can also learn about the incredible work of Friendship Centres in your area and consider supporting them by clicking here.  How ever we choose to act this Canada Day, please remember that Every Child Matters and let their words be received.

Stay well in the meantime.
