My Video Presentation For TechSoup Canada & NetSquared Toronto: "The Importance of a Fundraising CRM"

This week I had the unique privilege of delivering a Zoom video presentation for TechSoup Canada and NetSquared Toronto about “The Importance of a Fundraising CRM”. I am thrilled to share the video of the presentation with you where we discuss how and why CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software enables charities to strengthen relations with their donors.

My sincerest thanks to Syed Mudassir from Call Hub for collaborating with me on the presentation and please click here to see some of the great ways their platform helps organizations connect with their supporters. I am also grateful to Elijah van der Giessen from NetSquared (a program of TechSoup) for allowing me to present and I look forward to preparing videos on other topics for them in the future.

If you are not familair with TechSoup, they provide both the digital platforms and in-person experiences that enable people to work together toward a more equitable world. TechSoup is an invaluable resource for charities across North America and I strongly encourage you to check them out here.

Anyway, here is the video. Enjoy!