grant writing tips

Grant Writing Tip #6: Four (4) Organizational Qualifications You Should Highlight In Every Grant Proposal

Grant Writing Tip #6: Four (4) Organizational Qualifications You Should Highlight In Every Grant Proposal

Much like a job applicant strives to impress potential employers with their qualifications on their resumes, charities aim to entice grant-makers with their organizational attributes when submitting funding proposals. In this entry we explore four (4) qualifications every organization should highlight when seeking grants for their projects from funding sources.

Grant Writing Tip #5: Saying “Thank You” When The Answer Is “No”

Grant Writing Tip #5:   Saying “Thank You” When The Answer Is “No”

Instead of getting upset and ending a relationship with a funding source after having a grant proposal declined, send them a hearty “Thank You”. It is guaranteed to amplify your future chances of funding success.

Grant Writing Tip #4: Three Volunteer Management Practices That Entice Grant-Makers

Grant Writing Tip #4: Three Volunteer Management Practices That Entice Grant-Makers

As valuable as volunteers are in the non-profit world, giving them roles for which they are not qualified nor interested can have disastrous results for charities and the people they serve. Moreover, grant-makers are often very cognisant of organizations who lack responsible volunteer management practices and this is frequently a reason why applications are denied. This entry explores three (3) effective practices that organizations can embrace to ensure that their volunteers remain their greatest resource.