More Half-Year Resolutions That Will Improve Your Fundraising

Last year at this time we presented a few resolutions that one could adopt for the remaining six months of 2023 that would strengthen their charity’s fundraising efforts. Today we’re pleased to share with you another series of half-year resolutions that are certain will improve your fund development practices:

·         Always thank your supporters within 24 hours of receiving their gift. Make your supporters feel incredible about their gift of time, talent and/or treasure by expressing your utmost gratitude to them as instantly as possible. The quicker the “thank you” the more appreciated they will genuinely feel.

·         Update your gift acceptance policies and practices. With all the social and political upheaval happening in the world, monitoring who supports you and precisely what values they openly espouse is more crucial than ever. Be absolutely positive that you’re not accepting contributions from any person or group that express implicit or overtly racist, misogynist, antisemitic, homophobic or transphobic beliefs. Be careful as well not to receive support from those who spread blatant disinformation or make defamatory statements that harm others.

·         Make sure you thank your contributors for EVERYTHING! We realize this may sound obvious. However, you’d be shocked at how often people aren’t thanked for bestowing the most generous of gifts. Regardless how large or small one’s contribution is of time, talent and/or treasure, thank them!! If you are not sure if a donor has been thanked, say “thank you” again. There’s no such thing as expressing gratitude too much. Conversely, failing to show our appreciation is a definite way to lose supporters.

·         Ask your volunteers to donate and your donors to volunteer. An often-overlooked truth in the non-profit world is a charity’s best prospective donors are its volunteers, and its greatest potential volunteers are its donors. Yet for some reason, many organizations fail to capitalize on this opportunity. Your loyal volunteers and monetary donors already demonstrate their passion for your mission on a regular basis. Extend them each a chance to expand their role.

·         Drive more traffic to your “Donation” page. Many charities have donation landing pages on their websites of which they are very proud. However, they make little to zero effort to direct people to that page and subsequently wonder why donations aren’t increasing. It’s not simply a case of “if you build it, they will come”. We must continually inform the prospective donor community that our donation page exists and constantly drive people to it. Use your social media platforms, newsletter, and community outreach activities to raise awareness and drive more traffic to your page.

·         Get into the habit of collecting stories. Charities are the vessels for positive change in our society. They make great things happen, but inexplicably aren’t always eager to tell others about it. Counter this trend by gathering stories, reflections and experiences from people who are now in a better place because of the work of your organization. Entice others in the community to get to learn more about your charity’s impact by circulating these compelling accounts of how its work has made people’s lives healthier, happier and more vibrant.

·         Learn something new about your donors. Communicating with our donors is one of the keys to sustainability. Give your donor engagement practices a boost by asking your most treasured supporters to share something regarding their interests, values or wishes they would want you to know. Better still, seek their feedback on critical issues affecting your organization. It would them feel truly valued and solidify their attachment to your mission.

Learn how effective donor stewardship is the key to successful fundraising by enrolling in our Virtual Donor Stewardship Boot Camp taking place over 4 sessions on August 22nd/23rd & September 12th/13th by clicking below: